Feature Friday Member: Jacqueline Kennedy

1.Where are you originally from and how long have you lived in Myrtle Beach?
I grew up in San Jose, California and came to Myrtle Beach by way of Portland, Oregon. We moved here in 2010.
2. What made you decide to join Finish Strong?
I joined Finish Strong in August 2014. I had a five month old baby at the time and, after being sidelined from all athletic pursuits during the last four months of my pregnancy, I had finally worked back up to being able to jog a slow three miles. I couldn't do a single sit-up and knew that I needed more than my slow jog to rid myself of pregnancy weight so a friend encouraged me to come with her to workout.
3. What is your favorite time to workout?
In an ideal "I have a child that sleeps past 6 am" world, my favorite time to workout would be 9:15 am because it would mean that I slept until 8 am. In the real world, however, I usually end up at 6:15 am because I planned ahead or at 6:15 pm because I didn't plan ahead and am now hurriedly swapping my child in the parking lot with my husband or a babysitter.
4. What is your favorite type of music to workout to?
My listening preferences definitely consist of late 90s boy bands and early 2000s Britney Spears with a little of mix of Spice Girls and the early Bieber years. I usually end up listening to Disney princess music while I jog, however, because I don't want my four year old hearing "Bye, Bye, Bye" in the stroller.
5. What do you enjoy most of Finish Strong?
The friendships I've made and getting to know so many wonderful people.
6. What is your idea of a fun night out?
My ideal fun night out would be going to a matinee ballet or musical and getting to go to sleep at 9 pm (I went with ideal because the reality would likely consist of wandering the aisles of Costco trying to remember what was on my grocery list)
7. What is your favorite quote?
That probably depends on who you ask.
My students would say my favorite is: "You can do hard things!"
My child would say my favorite is: "Be good and make good choices."
My husband would say my favorite is: "If it's not moving, monogram it."
8. Tell us something about yourself we wouldn't know?
My dog is named after my favorite author, F. Scott Fitzgerald.
9. What is your go to healthy snack?
Sparkling water. I'm sure any actual food I consume is of questionable nutritional merit.
10. If I say "burpee challenge" what is the first word that comes to mind?
It's not a word, but rather a phrase: "No, thank you."
11. If you could donate a million dollars to a charity of your choice, which would you choose and why?
I'd definitely want to donate it to the Myrtle Beach Boys and Girl's Club. They operate on so little funding, yet do so much for so many youth in our community.
12. If someone is thinking about joining FS but is nervous, what advice would you give them?
It's okay to be nervous, that just means you're excited!